famous quotes saying
Another missed clever headline opportunity, assuming it never appeared, concerned Sir Thomas Legg's appointment in 1998 to lead an inquiry into sales of arms to Sierra Leone:
"The wise man puts himself last and finds himself first." (attributed to Lao Tsu, aka Lao Zi, legendary Chinese Taoist philosopher, supposed to have lived between 600-400BC)
While sources are checked and clarified wherever possible, authenticity for all quotes cannot be guaranteed - these quotes are not meant to be a historical archive, they're here because they are motivational, inspirational, amusing or otherwise helpful for teachers, learners, leaders and communicators.
The dog just wonders: can he eat the glass or will you throw it so he can bring it back... The cat wonders why the glass is only half full (or empty)... is it a trick... poison perhaps...
The eternally optimistic eccentric would say, the glass is consistently overflowing (or is that the neurotic?...)
The person who is no longer trapped in The Matrix (whatever one might call him/her) says: "There is no glass..."
The 'perfect' 1950s housewife would not leave the glass sitting there long enough for anyone to consider the question, but would scoop it up, wash it up, dry it to a gleaming shine and put it back in the glass cabinet in a jiffy. No half-full or half-empty in her world... just a full glass or an untidy one.
The obsessive compulsive postpones the question until the level is checked, and checked again, and again, and again...
The phobic says yuck, someone drank out of it and left their germs on the glass.
"A fool and my money are soon parted."
(Here I turn a perfectly good adage into a self-description. Originally: "A fool and his money are soon parted" - Thomas Tusser, 1524-80.)
"If I should wake before I die, I'll have another slice of life's shit pie."
(Compare the perfectly good children's prayer: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.")
Thought you might like to credit "businessballs.com" as the source for some of the above material, and credit "IronHerder" as the author. Specifically: "A fool and my ..." and "If I should wake ...". Thanks, IronHerder